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  • Ilene Kaplan
    Ilene Kaplan

    Fun Barn Hunt Practice!

    What a great Saturday!! Cairn Terriers, Irish Setters, Poodles, Siberian Huskies, Borders, and many other breeds and "all-American dogs" had fun practicing their barn hunt skills.

    RatMan Tim was on hand to help and club members Vicki Havlik, Betsy Peets, Hallie and Roland Smith, along with me, Ilene Kaplan, all pitched in during the day; Ryan Parker and Betty Hann were on hand to help us set up our hunt site the day before.


     Two tunnels for introductory and advanced levels

    Club members and Portland/Vancouver area doglovers alike, worked on  introductory and advanced barn hunt strategy. The two tunnels that were set up allowed all participants to practice beginning straightaways and turns, as well as climbs. Instinct through Seniors were well represented, and even Master level dogs showed up to practice.


    Hallie and Roland Smith's Elenore knows her way around the BH course

    It was nice to have the time to talk with other folks interested in barn hunt, during a casual, but educational activity. There were  30 or so participants and we were able to give individualized attention to everyone.  It seemed that both two and four legged participants were able to improve their skills. It was clear we all shared a common interest in working with our dogs and at the end of the day, we were exhausted but happy with our experiences.

    Thank you all for coming, for helping, for learning and for sharing

    — Ilene Kaplan


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