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2024 Toto Trot

Debbie Blanchard
CRCTC Public

Event details

Calling all Cairn Terriers ...

... to walk with their people to benefit the Pongo Fund!

Sponsored by the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club. Proceeds benefit (thepongofund.org), Oregon’s only full-time charity focused on fighting animal hunger! Suggested donation - $20/family; additional donations appreciated!

Saturday September 28, 2024. 
Registration/check in: 9AM. Walk starts: 9:30AM. Commonwealth Lake Park, Portland (Cedar Hills),

Sign Up for TotoTrot Learn More

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Print Flyer

Preregistration by 9/21/24 by mail/check; $20 payable to CRCTC and signed, completed registration to:

Debbie Blanchard, Toto Trot
8119 NE 186th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98682

Questions to: 503-970-8446 (phone or text)

Day-of, on-site registration welcome. Exact change appreciated!

The Pongo Fund

The Pongo Fund is Oregon’s only full-time charity focused on fighting animal hunger. Because hungry people have hungry pets. We work tirelessly to reduce shelter populations and keep families together by providing emergency pet food assistance to anyone in honest need. Protecting beloved family pets from the suffering, starvation, surrender, abandonment or worse, when a lack of food, but not a lack of love, is their only enemy.

The Kibble Report

Meals Served: 30 Million Animals Helped: 207,000
Vital Veterinary Care: Yes we do Spay & Neuter: We do that too Lives Saved: Beyond Measure!

Helping the animals of proud seniors, brave Veterans, the victimized, the marginalized, the unemployed, the disabled, the mentally ill, the hungry, the hurting, the homeless, and good people facing the toughest of times. That’s what The Pongo Fund does. Because sometimes we all can use a little extra help.

The Pet Food Bank

The Pet Food Bank is the heart and soul of The Pongo Fund. A no frills warehouse packed with thousands of bags of nutritious dog and cat food. Staffed by a volunteer driven team that numbers more than 100. It is a place filled with love. Love and food. Food that stands at the ready to be shared with anyone in honest need when they are temporarily unable to keep their own pets fed. Because when people must choose what to cut from their grocery lists, pets often are among those that suffer most.


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