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  • Calendar

    • 29 October 2024 02:00 AM
      The next CRCTC Board meeting is scheduled for Monday October 28 at 7:00 pm.
      Call in option: 605-472-5789. Access code: 2420208
      Online meeting ID: kinlochcairns. https://www.freeconferencecall.com 
      (I may check our this online functionality to see if it might work better than a conference call. Stay tuned)
    • 23 November 2024
      The goal is to give you the information and experience you need to continue your training on your own or with your friends.
      The participating dogs will be worked in two separate sessions. All attendees will receive a packet of information, including outlines of all lecture material, training ideas and an outline for training progression.
      The seminar will be filled on a prepaid, first-come, first serve basis. You will also be asked to sign a release on the day of the event.
      For details including contact information and a registration link, see www.crctc.org/tracking
    • 01 February 2025
      Dues be due 🎼🎷be doo be doo be do. Takin' care of business: https://www.crctc.org/store/category/10-dues/

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